
Class 2: Splash Bomb! - Color Splash

(4 entries)

Image incorporating Street Art. Plant material not required.

Color Splash(Spot Color, Selective Color) definition. The selective use of color(s) in an otherwise gray scale image. It is not a monochrome.

Janet Josselyn, "Graffiti/Street Art, Belgrade, Serbia" (PH02-03).

I am Janet Josselyn from the Noanett Garden Club, near Boston, MA. The title of this photograph is Graffiti/Street Art, Belgrade, Serbia. I took this photograph as I was walking down a small side street in Belgrade and saw an abandoned commercial storefront covered in posters and graffiti. What grabbed my attention was not only the splashes of vibrant color, but also the repetition of intersecting lines and planes, juxtaposed against the curvilinear head of a woman whose eyes seemed to be looking directly at me. I haven’t attempted to translate any of the words in Serbian as I prefer to see them as pure graphics.