Floral Design

Class 6: Resilient (4 entries)

Design inspired by paintings by Houston artist David Adickes. Design staged on a 40” tall clear acrylic pedestal with a 14” square top. Design may not exceed 15” in width and depth from the center of the pedestal. Viewed and judged from 3 sides.

David Pryor Adickes (born 1927, Huntsville, Texas) is a modernist sculptor and painter who resides in Houston. His most famous work is the 67-foot tall "A Tribute to Courage" statue of Sam Houston in Huntsville, Texas.

Davis Pryor Adickes, Two Ladies with Banner Flags.
David Pryor Adickes, Unknown #1.
David Pryor Adickes, Portrait of an Artist.
David Pryor Adickes, Flute Player.